Being who you are is the most COURAGEOUS thing you can do!

Anasha "the Mother of TruBros"

I AM V. Anasha Chavez- Asforis, born Vanessa Asforis, native of Brooklyn, New York, Mother, Life Partner,Compassion Builder, Healer, Creative, Mystic, Social Worker, Teacher...

My journey (Soul Trek) thus far has taught me that, I AM is a never- ending, always evolving process. This understanding is the work we have come here to do.

My Soul Trek has offered me many gems via miracles, losses, sickness, heartbreak, the list can go on. I learned how to find joy in all things, without needing to have the conditions met. One of my greatest understandings has been, thoughts create things. Whatever we focus on we have the ability to create! What are you creating?